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Follow these directions to take care of your new tattoo. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us ASAP!

Leave dressing on for 4-5 days. It is recommended that you remove the bandage with some soap and water slowly. After the bandage has been removed, clean the tattoo gently and start moisturizing with a light layer of tattoo balm or unscented lotion. Products you can use include Aveeno, Lubriderm, and Cetaphil. Do not use Aquaphor, A&D, or Vaseline unless otherwise instructed by the artist.

Leave wrap on for 12-24 hours. Use an unscented soap to wash the tattoo gently. Pat down with a clean paper towel until dry, then apply a thin layer of tattoo balm or unscented lotion. Do not re-bandage the tattoo.

Your tattoo may look like a sunburn for the first week and your skin may scab and peel. Do not pick at the scabs or scratch at your tattoo! You should avoid over-stretching the area as well and keep the tattoo moisturized. If it starts to look dry, just dab a little bit of ointment or lotion on. Your tattoo can take up to 4 weeks to fully heal. It is important to avoid direct sunlight, pools, oceans, jacuzzis, saunas/spas, etc. during these first 3 weeks. Light working out is okay after the first week. Avoid wearing any clothing or jewelry that are tight or will rub directly on the tattoo.

The first touch up is offered free of charge within the first year of the tattoo. Any appointments made after the first year are subject to a touch up fee. If we determine that your tattoo was scratched at, exposed to excessive sunlight/water, or not taken care of in general we will charge a touch up fee regardless of timing. High motion areas such as fingers, hands, feet, etc. are subject to a touch up fee and are not eligible for the free touch up.

(443) 408 8828 | hello@jktat.com